We are proud to announce a partnership with ORACLE TEAM USA by providing our PRECISION Power Meters to measure how much power its grinders produce with each turn of a winch handle.
4iiii power meters connected to the winches will provide torque and power output with greater than 99% accuracy, allowing ORACLE TEAM USA designers, engineers and physical trainers to determine exactly how much power each grinder generates.
“These systems measure torque on the winch handle with a high degree of accuracy by utilizing strain gauges per side,” says Ian “Fresh” Burns, performance manager for ORACLE TEAM USA.
“Power management is one of the biggest challenges in this America’s Cup. All the systems need to be powered by the grinders. To understand how efficient our systems are, we need to have an accurate gauge of the input – what are the guys able to produce when they turn the handles?”
4iiii is a leader in the field of human power measurement, and supports a number of professional cycling teams in the major tours. Their software and hardware is being customized for the America’s Cup environment as they become a Technical Supplier to ORACLE TEAM USA.
“We’ve already started to use it on our dry land grinding stations, and we’ll be implementing it on the water shortly.”
“We are pleased to have this opportunity to support ORACLE TEAM USA,” says Kip Fyfe, 4iiii CEO and founder.
“Our passion is to innovate sport monitoring technology. PRECISION, the world’s lightest super accurate cycling power meter is now the world’s lightest super accurate sailing power measurement eco-system.”
Photo: @ Sam Greenfield